In case you’re wondering just who is this man who dares to comment on the work of other scholars concerned with Paul and his Jewish identity, here’s a bit about Skip.
Skip started thinking about theological issues when he was still a teenager. Those issues led him to several university degrees (two BA’s, two MA’s and a Ph.D. from Oxford University). Well indoctrinated in Christian theology, Skip’s thesis at Oxford was about the influence of Greek philosophy on the development of several crucial Christian ideas. Skip wanted to stay in the university environment, but when he graduated from Oxford there simply were no university posts available. So he turned toward the business world and for the next twenty years provided management consulting to some of America’s largest companies (while teaching and writing on the side). After a successful entrepreneurial venture, he left corporate America and settled in Florida. Then financial disaster threw him in the cold water. A ponzi-scheme bankrupted him and his family. That’s when he returned to theology as a full-time avocation. He started writing Today’s Word, a journey of biblical explorations, as personal therapy, and discovered, quite by accident, that others shared much of the same feelings, questions, and confusion. Now more than a decade has passed and more than 7000 of these day-at-a-time inquiries have been written, along with books and articles. Skip ended up teaching all over the globe, starting charity relief projects in far-away places and enjoying touring with readers in Israel, South Africa, and Italy. He recently moved to Italy and began the “I’ve been Skipped” audio series, commenting on books he has found particularly valuable. Abraham Heschel’s book was first. Nanos and Zetterholm’s collection was next and more will probably follow.
If you want to know more about Skip and what he writes, you can look at his website, At God’s Table.