Israel from Babylon to the First Century

Over the summer I’ve been investigating the history of Israel in the period between the Babylonian captivity and the Second Temple.  I’ve read several books and determined that even though they are helpful, they are very academic and quite long.  Therefore, I’ve taken many citations from these texts so that you don’t have to read the hundreds of pages yourself.  I have provided these citations for you, and then we discussed them in online sessions.

In particular, these works include:
Peter R. Ackroyd, Exile and RestorationA Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B. C. (Westminster Press, 1968)

Lawrence H. Schiffman, From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple & Rabbinic Judaism (Ktav Publishing House, 1991)

Christine Hayes, What’s Divine About Divine Law?: Early Perspectives (Princeton University Press, 2015)

and possibly some related articles on Qumran. Of course, if you want the entire texts you can order them on Amazon (Amazon Smile to support At God’s Table) but it is nearly 1000 pages of reading.

When you register for the course you will receive the citation documents.

This study includes the 28 full video sessions recorded live via GotoMeeting classes. All sessions also include “Audio Only” for those who prefer listening instead of watching. All of the weekly participants’ discussions and questions are included.

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